Saturday, 28 January 2017

Why need accounting softwares and inventory softwares in singapore?

MYOB Accounting Software
MYOB Accounting Software is a popular accounting software for small & medium enterprises. Here at Onestopaccounting, we provide MYOB Accounting Software. (You can refer to to our accounting software page for the features) It  is a simple and easy to use accounting software. It provides both Traditional Chinese and English interface, enables multi-currencies handling, produces Employer’s Returns IR56B for submitting to Inland Revenue Department.  MYOB is the designated accounting software adopted for LCCI Level 2&3 and Accounting & Computerized Accounts of HKIAAT.

MYOB Singapore – Key Features
Provides English & Traditional Chinese Interface.  Supports Data Entry in both Languages
User can choose English or Traditional Chinese operation interface.  All images, lists, chart of accounts and control panel will be shown in your selected language.

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